Saturday, November 15, 2008

Letter to my heart

Ah long is getting married, my neighbor is getting married, my friend's friend is getting married. So when will I be getting married? Sounds impossible. Haiz........ just came back from KL, attending a banquet with friends and now I am listening to the crickets rubbing their wings outside my room window. Being alone is not a good way to handle a wakeful night, I know. Had it not been the hectic working life, I might already have been getting used to this "silent" killer, having a good excuse to sustain it now. I was too wrapped up in the siren song in my own life. And now I am too wrapped up in the silent song in my own night. Dear Wilson, you have to confront it. Be strong k. Tomorrow is gonna be a beautiful day.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Medical Negligence - Episode 2 - The Baby Ultimatum

Episode 2 - Ultimatum

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Careless Treatment and Medical Negligence- Episode 1

It is the fourteenth day in October, the expiry date being at school in this year, after a hundred and ninety consecutive days of schooling. And here am I in my study, working out a schedule for the long vocation, substantiating myself for the coming year. Unloading the niggling discomfort on administrative matter, I begin with the idea of renovating, rejuvenating, resurrecting, resurging, repairing, recuperating or reviving- I don't know which word to use, my blog. It seems wrong, cos I was invariably busy at this particular time, conducting night class. But now, I am unwittingly dying in the river of time, fighting for the started-dwindling time, trying to fill in my holiday with some practical experience.

Looking back the previous week, lots of thing happened and I really forget how the tiring time had worn me out since I was so busy weaving between the “family” and the school stuff simultaneously. It was my aunt. Apart from the school stuff, my time was being occupied with her suffering time she has been facing these few weeks. She wants to sue a government hospital for his grandson. Why? That's the story I want to talk about. As we cut to the chase, you should read this first.


  • 鄧翔杰的右手臂手術後留下一個大洞。(圖:星洲日報)

  • 剛出世的鄧翔杰。(圖:星洲日報)

  • 林錦勝(左)向葉瑞鳳瞭解情況,後者:馬華勞勿區會副主席拿督蔡兆生。(圖:星洲日報)

























And yes, that is my aunt. I can simply say that the tranquility of her life has unexpectedly broken into overwhelming shooting and this loquacious workaholic little by little turns out to be a reserved, taciturn person, reticent about answering questions. In contrast, her family becomes much more interesting to people. Gosh, what happened to all those chameleonic protagonist and antagonist in this full-blown story- Doctors, Specialist, MCA and DAP; Official Visiting, Fundrasing, Reporting, all the orthodox professional name, suddenly emerging in tandem from every nook and cranny, spouting their opinion, influxing and permeating their circle.

I am not sure about these people's intention but it is too much giddy, mathematically speaking. And all this back and forth, I am so tired of it. I believe that the baby was the most innocent person in this endless squabble. Please, I really mean it. How important for a baby at age of month to grasp a piece of justice at the same time he is surviving the very first difficult time in life on his own. Don't you think he is too young to bear on it? I'm just going to cross my fingers and hope that he will be getting well soon.
So everybody, quite please!!! Looking around, I don't really know what they are thinking about. As the drama is ready to be unraveled, it requires, inter alia, a complaint letter to pave the way for their ultimate protest. And my "paramount duty" for the time being is to unfold the letter.

To be continued......

Sunday, November 9, 2008











新加坡的龙须菜- 其实是“树苗”

“ 夜香花”棚



我家后的平原- 那不是我的家


Friday, November 7, 2008

Case Study: Particle or Strawberry?


非说这个不可。时下的学生大多数都是一团垃圾,基本上这话句真不该由我的口说出,但是真的忍无可忍了。下星期就是今年“放大假”之前的最后七天,所以政府规定学校在这星期进行考试活动。教了一整年的东西,才发现竟然是浪费时间和精神在这些“国家栋梁” 的身上。

Case 1
由于是年终考试,所以考题是由州教育局所出,称之为统考。考试期间的第三天,在经过某间教室时,我顺手拿了其中一班学生们在埋头苦干的试卷来看, “真它妈的”- 考题非常的容易,虽然我不是数学科的。可是为何每个学生都愁眉苦脸,半生不死的样子。算啦,一向心肠好的我,在跟监考着的同事笑了笑之后,便发挥一下“演野”的本事。唉。。。我的天,某个学生竟然不懂我在教着他什么。在回答某道问题时,我就对他说,做数学需要一步一步来。我一边教就一边说出每一个步骤。重点就在于,当他写出我给他的最后步骤时,他竟然还慢条斯理的等我给他接下去,简单的来说;

-5 + (-14) + 20

= -5 - 14 + 20

= -19 + 20

= 1

其实 1 就是答案,他竟然还傻傻的看着我,期待着我给下一个步骤,于是我便问“ kenapa", 他很爽的回答我,“la, lepas tu.."。晕。我的解释能力真的那么差吗?更厉害的是,他很“顺道” 的问我 “belacan" 是什么意思。奇怪?数学题干嘛跑出 “belacan" 来 。。。。。咋看之下,原来是balance, 晕倒。。。你说死不死!!!

Case 2:

相信大家都知道,what is particle? 好吧, 就复习一下你的知识:

Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. It is classified by its physical state as a solid, liquid, or gas. It is made up of tiny particles (Atoms & Molecules) and the particles are in constant motion. Temperature affects the speed of the particles. The higher the temperature, the faster the speed of the particles. Fine, the concept is too simple for most of the students as we work them out in some pictures.

其实我都知道这么“收家” 的事不该说出来的,可是事实j就是那样,恕我直言不讳。在科学试卷里,有这么一道问题 -

Draw the arrangement of particles for each of the matter above (pencil, water, and so on) according to their properties of particles.

学生的答案理应像图内所显示的一样。可是一些想象力丰富的学生竟锦上添花把粒子变成 fruit juices - with little tiny umbrella against the glass la , strawberry la等等等。。。 天啊!!! 什么来的??粒子变成strawberry???

Wilson: Thong, I am sorry.
Thong: (looking at the paper, burst out laughing before
calming herself down). No, I'm sorry Wilson, it
was my fault. I should have taught them the
shape of particle.
Wilson: It's not in the syllabus.
Thong: I know. Murder me please!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

前几天给朋友修改了一篇投书信。信中可以感觉到他对我们国家领导人的愤怒与失望。鉴于内容涉及一些公众人士,自以为属上流社会的名人, 所以我必需把他们匿名,如有不便,本人至万分歉意。


亲爱的Y.B. 周X芬,

我,XXX(身份证号码 : 81xxxx - xx - xxxx ),XXXX 华小教职员。我感到很抱歉因为要打扰您。事态严重,本人逼不得已征求 Y.B. 的意见、请 Y.B. 帮忙及协助解决我与家人所面对的问题。

在今年,2008 9 21 日,大约下午 4 时之际, 彭亨州XXX县历经了一场暴风雨。基于隔壁从事于养燕业的店主,在顶楼上非法建盖了一幅很大的‘沙里’瓦,而支撑‘沙里’瓦的铁枝在暴风雨后把顶楼围墙的砖块推下,从而倒塌在我家,导致我家面对大约 85% 损坏。

屋子毁坏的程度:屋顶破洞,二楼三间房间、客厅、厨房、晾衣服的空间、家具全毁。我家底层是店屋,由于屋顶破洞,下着大雨,导致部分货物损坏。( 有相片为证 )

事发时,本人父母亲还在屋子底层,虽说是不幸中的大幸,逃过了一劫,却饱受惊吓。在痛心屋子遭到毁坏之余,本人的父母亲在接下来的两个月里寝食难安,担心毁坏了的屋子结构,链式效应,继续倒塌。由于事态严重,事发当天我们六兄弟姐妹担心不已,各自从八打灵(Petaling Jaya )、新加坡( Singapore )、万宜( Bangi )、批劳 ( Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan )连夜赶回家乡安慰父母;回家的次数也紧密了。

事发后,隔壁业主,拿督XXX ( 身份证号码 :44xxxx – xx – xxxx ),彭亨州XXXX马华区会主席, 及 XXX( 身份证号码 : 44xxxx – xxx – xxxx ), XXXX马华区会妇女组主席暨新村村长,立即请来星洲日报和南洋商报记者, 报导 : 风灾, 及拿督XXX将全权负责损失。我等不赞同风灾的说法。如果我家的屋顶是被风摧毁,那就属风灾。但是,这次的灾难确实是由隔壁业主倒塌下来的砖瓦而引起,何来怪罪于风灾呢?要不是隔壁业主非法建盖‘沙里’瓦,何等风能把稳固的转块推下呢?以法律学来说,这是人祸不是完全是风灾,业主理应赔偿所有损失。


屋子已经毁了,没自己的屋子住,被逼另租一间屋子居住,也被逼重建屋子。那种心情已像是被刀狠狠地割开了一个大伤口,父母亲的情绪还没稳定之际,身为地方领袖,一向让人觉得德高望重的拿督XXX竟然还说风凉话 : 我恭喜你,你有新家住了。难道在我们中华文化里所教的‘雪中送炭’这句话,这位马华领悟一点也领悟不到?反而只有‘血上加霜’、‘伤口上洒盐’等才能体会到高高在上的滋味?有钱有势力就能欺压平民百姓吗?嚣张程度令人发指!

所以 :

1. 身为一个地方领袖,哪可讲话不算数?

2. 身为一个地方领袖,哪可草草了事?

3. 身为一个地方领袖,哪可知法犯法?

4. 身为一个地方领袖,哪可造谣、破坏居民的名誉?

5. 身为一个地方领袖,哪可知道错而不认错、不悔改呢?

6. 身为一个地方领袖,哪可以势欺人?

7. 身为一个地方领袖,哪可不懂,修身齐家,治国平天下这句话?

8. 身为一个地方领袖,要做就做一个好官!!!!

抚心自问,这么一个对人民不负责任,造谣、草草了事的一个人,还能当地方领袖吗?有这样的领袖,我们还能相信马华吗?我曾经找过拿督XXX,求助于他,但很令人失望。种种的报道,种种的因素,原本很生气的我只想找行动党 ( DAP ) 投诉。

当我要放弃寻找马华领袖求助时,我想起了 Y.B. 您。由于您去年时常出席我校所主办的活动,所已我对您的影像比较深刻。在我的心目中,您是大公无私,敢怒敢言的一位好领袖。想必一定会为我们讨回一个公道。让那些破坏马华形象,不负责任的领袖受到严厉的惩罚,甚至让他们从原有的党职退下。 我想,是否应该先让马华本身处理马华的事情呢?是否让先马华自己决定怎样处置这两位马华领袖呢?如求助无门,才求助于反对党呢?如果把事情带入反对党,把事情闹大,我的官职( 教职员 ),可能也要被丢职了。再说,我本身也很热爱华教,不想放弃华教,不想放弃当教职员。但是,为了家人的尊严,为了家人不被羞辱,为了地方人民的利益、福利及和平快乐的生活,为了不被势力所欺压,我愿意付出任何代价。

事态严重,所以我请求 Y.B. 协助。钱财的损失律师会帮我们向他讨回,但是他的势力,不是我们平民所能讨的。马华有这样的领袖,我深为那些正义及真心为民请命的马华领袖感到愤怒,感到可耻,更让他们蒙上一个羞耻符,让马华失信于人民。

本人非常希望YB 自了解件事情的来去脉。我相信你的大公无私,灵活的思考力,并不会被一些所谓害群之马的种种托辞,借口与欺骗难倒。以YB 想重整马华的精神与智慧,一群白羊里,要除掉其中一只黑羊并不是一件难事。他是黑是白,日后必有公论。

Talking about food- The crazy-buddha's feast

Now, two hours later I am in my room doing this trivial report on the things I had just done before 9pm. The unpleasant chemical particles ventilated the little tiny eatery, suffocating my consuming mood on the digestive track. I was having headache at the same time. Looking around, the ambiance was quite noisy, and everyone was so excited about the distractions as other people having- gossiping, laughing, and of course perspiring. The main course was being forgotten every once in a while.

I shot a glance at my watch, force of habit and it was getting late, our orders had been suspended. The big eaters on other tables were voraciously stuffing anything they could ingest in their mouth, spewing from their teeth sometimes. Gosh, my mum was asking me again the time. Messages was circulating the body as the brain sending out the impulses- she was hungry. And so did I . And so did everyone.

The foods eventually arrived right on time. Well, it seemed nice and delicious and suddenly we began to take it seriously since we really stuck in the reality for being there at that moment. Undoubtedly food had suddenly become so important to every one of us. There was this look on my face, it was relieved. Hitting the food when I was having my first bite, all I can say, the fervent desirable feeling I had days ago- going a long way reaching out for it, was starting to dwindle. It's not in my expectation- I am so picky about what I eat, and this is I.

Anyway, this Chinese cuisine seemed to arouse interest amongst the newcomers, all except the frequent visitors (Ai Wei and Fong), they buzzed with excitement including my mother. The foods we were all having, contained all the four basic flavors, bumping our taste buds as we munching it. The taste receptor successfully fulfilled their appetite as the chemical of food dissolving in saliva- Great! Delicious! Nice!- That's was what the favorite buzzwords they used in compliment and "not bad" is the relative complement I had to admit although by this point I was more turned on by the big volume they served in this two-handle serving bowl. As every dish was placed one after the other, pictures were taken to lead on some aftertaste moment. Each time, the flashlight working out on and off.




Well, these are the only three dishes I would like to recommend in stead of promote it. Anyhow it depends on your desire yearning for it. Go and do some survey and research before grabbing a bite. You will discover that in addition to the attractive prices, there are other reasons you should go there and have a look! Well, the place is in Mengkarak.